Introduction: What is the Future of IT Technology?
Technology is a journey and not a destination, so it’s important to understand the technological developments which will take place in the future.
We know that there will be a definite increase in technological innovations in the coming years. It is estimated that, by the year 2022, the global IT industry will account for more than 60% of global GDP and it is expected to be worth $1.6 trillion, in volume terms. This means that by then, technology can have a major impact on almost every aspect of our lives.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is a key component of the future. It will be used to make our lives more convenient and efficient. By 2022, artificial intelligence will have made a significant contribution to the world economy, job creation and lifestyle. The use of AI in the future will change our lives, but it will also bring a lot of benefits to mankind. A large part of the work performed by humans is done with the assistance of artificial intelligence.
In just about every occupation, smart tools and services are emerging that can help us do our jobs more efficiently, and in 2022 more of us will find that they are a part of our everyday working lives.
Moreover, Artificial intelligence will become a reality for all of us when we see computers interacting with us in “real-life situations”. That is the promise that futurists are talking about when they talk about “the Metaverse”, which is defined as “a virtual world running on artificial intelligence”.
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook and the CEO of his company Metaverse, is known for his visions and ideas about artificial intelligence. In Mark’s Metaverse, people create their own virtual worlds in which they can live their lives. In this new world, there are two things that matter more than real life: happiness and creativity. This is why Mark created Metaverse. People get to experience happiness by interacting with other people in metaverse or by playing games, while they can get creative by creating their own content in the Metaverse.
Blockchain technology has the potential to transform the global financial system. Blockchain is one of the most exciting tech trends in 2022. It is a distributed, encrypted database model that has the potential to solve many problems around online trust and security. Many people know it as the technology that underpins Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. However, its potential uses are far broader, encompassing digital “smart” contracts, logistics and supply chain provenance and security, and protection against identity theft. Many companies are looking at the future of blockchain technology and digital currencies and getting more serious about blockchain development.
Blockchain will probably play an important role in many industries, such as healthcare, finance, insurance and banking. It will also affect all sectors of our life, from education to energy consumption and transport. For instance, in a situation like the Covid-19 pandemic, Blockchain technology can have many important potential use cases such as vaccine tracking and distribution. In a world where counterfeiters are known to be creating and selling fake vaccines, blockchain means the authenticity of vaccine shipments can be proven, and their distribution can be traced to ensure they are arriving at their intended locations.
Cloud Computing
The sales of cloud computing products in 2022 will reach $474 billion due to the large demand for infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) products developed by companies like AWS and GCP. These new products are poised to dominate the industry after 2020 when it reaches a $1 trillion market share. This growth is mainly driven by a number of cloud computing providers developing new services in the area of data center management, virtualization, and security.
The need for new features is driving developers to build applications that run on these platforms today, while new features are coming with each release of these platforms. The ability to handle multiple simultaneous users will be critical for enterprise customers when they move. In future, we can expect microservices to arrive as a result of technological developments such as containerization and in-memory infrastructure.
[Read more: Digital Transformation – Journey to Cloud]
In 2022, there will be a lot of change in the tech industry. Most of the technologies that we use today will become obsolete and a lot of new technologies will be developed that will radically transform the way the world works. The future of the tech industry is going to be so much more than just a business sector for the next decade. We are going to see a lot of changes in how we live. The internet has been here for almost two decades, but it’s only now that we’re starting to see massive jumps in the speed at which information travels through our world.
If are seeking ways to digitally transform your business to leverage technology as a source of #Growth and #Innovation, Planet of IT can help! Our expertise is deep, thus, by focusing on the core, we can help our customers build a Roadmap and Identify the right resources, tools, and technologies for them to stay ahead in the race.
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