by | Oct 20, 2021 | Digital Transformation, Journey to Cloud
Move your Data to Cloud and Harness its True value Businesses in the Information age depend on keeping and sharing data in order to operate and improve their business. Data can be stored, analysed, shared or just forgotten. So it is very important that companies keep...
by Bakhtawar Shafqat | Sep 28, 2021 | DevOps Culture, Digital Transformation
Monolithic Vs Microservices Architecture Trends in software development have changed drastically to support DevOps philosophy and culture. Because of which application architecture has shifted from Monolithic applications to small modular components coupled...
by | Jul 26, 2021 | DevOps Culture, Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation: Journey to the Cloud and DevOps Approach DevOps and cloud computing have become two of the most important ways companies can achieve much needed Digital transformation. DevOps is about the process, culture, and improvement, while cloud...